The Bible states, God created all things. He loves that which he made.
All things are held together by the power of His Word. He keeps all things. Nothing can contain God, yet he is in and through all things.
God is Holy. This means He is separate from His created order and creation is contained in Him. God is infinite. His power and wisdom shine forth through creation.
Ultimate beauty and splendor find their source in God’s holiness.
The finite mind cannot fully comprehend that which is infinite. But, God makes provision for us by His Christ. The person of Jesus Christ is an “exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by the power of His Word.” (Heb. 1:3).
God’s provision of Grace did not stop there. God followed through with a comprehensive plan to bring unity between The Holy and the unholy. The pinnacle of this great provision was the cross of Christ. In the darkness surrounding Calvary, a cosmic transition occurred where The Holy made righteous the unrighteous by the final work of Jesus Christ. We know it was final because the last words left his lips on the cross; “It is finished.”
Christ burst forth from the grave, we behold the beauty of His Holiness. There is no beauty in death. Splendor is “hidden with Christ in God” (Col. 3:1-3) who is eternal.
Set our hearts on that which is above, eternal and infinitely beautiful.
(Post above inspired by personal Bible study of the character of God and A.W. Tozer’s ‘Attributes of God’ and ‘Knowledge of the Holy’).