Weeks Where Decades Happen

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin said, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

Friday, October 6th to today (October 13th) marks one of those weeks. It appears a major geopolitical tectonic shift occurred on Saturday, October 7th. We won’t know the full historical significance of the Hamas surprise attack on Israel for several years. This is a tragic and horrific situation sent shockwaves around the world. While I am deeply disturbed and saddened, I will try to provide some analysis.

In America, it exposed two significant issues. First, it further exposed just how divided we are as a nation. Second, it exposed just how vulnerable we are.

The second exposure (our vulnerabilities) is a result of the first. But, I don’t want to follow what I believe is a secondary symptom. I want to focus on the first exposure. In his book, “Faultlines” Dr. Voddie Bauchum uses the analogy shifting of the earth’s plates and the resulting earthquakes to describe American culture today. So, I’ll employ the analogy in a similar manner.

The first exposure (divided nation) demonstrates the various worldview, cultural, and ideological fault lines within our society. These fault lines run deep where common ground is difficult, if not impossible to locate. It feels like the very ground is shifting under our feet. At its core, these fissures are competing worldviews. And they are under tension.

Worldview is the lens through which we view, interpret and engage reality.

It is what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. Everyone has a worldview, regardless if they realize it or not. Worldview is seen in how we, believe, live, and behave.

At the center of the current clash are two fundamental questions, the answers to which lead to two different answers and destinations.

1. What is the problem with the world?
2. How do we fix it?

Christianity, Postmodernism, Secularism, Islam, Marxism, etc. will answer those two questions very differently. In a pluralistic society like America, worldviews will clash and create fissures. This doesn’t mean all worldviews are equally true. Some worldviews are shaped by the contours of reality while others attempt to reshape reality to impose their desired vision on reality.

Because analogies are helpful, let’s use another one.
Reality is like gravity. A man can claim to be able to break the law of gravity by dawning a superhero cape, climbing a three story building, and jumping off. However, he will not be able to break the law of gravity. Instead, he will fall to the ground and break himself. Thus proving the law of gravity.

Reality is the truth of how things actually are. The better we understand reality and live consistently within its contours, the more coherent our lives will be. From a biblical perspective, God created reality as a framework. He provided humans with logic and reason as both a map and language to understand, communicate, and live within the framework. When we intentionally or unintentionally get out of sync or reject reality, we break ourselves (like the man who tried to break the law of gravity).

Simply put, reality is experiential truth. It has laws and boundaries. As much as I would love to play basketball like Michael Jordan or swim as fast as Michael Phelps, no amount of effort, positive thinking, or physical manipulation will ever make me Jordan or Phelps… Not even close. God created me as Lance. He created you as who you are. We have our own distinct qualities, gifts, talents, limitations, and weaknesses. However, we all possess intrinsic value and worth as God’s image-bearers.

I’ve said it before, reality (truth) bats last, and reality is a slugger. Work with reality not against it and life will go much better. Therefore, if we want to solve the issues in our society, we need to properly diagnose the problems within our society. After all, if we misdiagnose the problem, the cures we create will end up harming the people we’re trying to help.

In his recount of life under Russian persecution, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago:

“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart – and through all human hearts.”

August of 1905, The Daily News newspaper editors posed a question to readers, “What is wrong with the world today?” G.K. Chesterton responded:

“Dear Sirs,
I am.
Yours Truly,
G.K. Chesterton.”

These men were answering the question, “What is the problem with the world?”

The Bible clearly states the problem with the world is sin.

And sin infects every human heart. Sin originates and is located in individual hearts. Then, it works its way through society. Either that is true or it’s not. If it’s true, then we’ve identified the Problem at the center of all other problems. The Gospel provides the cure.

If we’re going to attempt to wrap our heads around what is going on in our world like Israel or our own families, we need to have the proper worldview lens to accurately understand them. Then, we bring solutions that help instead of harming people. Those solutions will be grounded in the Gospel and Christ’s redemptive work through His redeemed people.

We are living in a civilizational moment in which there are “weeks where decades happen.” We must understand all of the cultural and geopolitical tectonic shifts are driven by worldviews. Earth’s tectonic plates build up pressure and eventually shift, causing earthquakes, so it is with worldviews. Tension builds and things move causing rapid shifts in a short timespan… Even as these worldview pressures and tensions are hundreds of years in the making.

In the final analysis, when faced with “weeks where decades happen” we must think biblically and ‘worldview-ishly”. Then we must pray faithfully and act with moral courage in the areas God has assigned us – leaving the results to Him.


Church Leaders Silencing Employees Using Legal Agreements?

“Money being offered in non-disparagement agreements can be a messy and sometimes profoundly evil transaction. At times people are asked with an offer of money to hide acts that are wrong, evil, and even criminal; some are asked for money not to talk about a corrupted institution.”


Steve Rabey (MinistryWatch)

Please share your insights by commenting below this post.

There is a worrying trend among churches.

Big churches are paying big money (your tithes and offerings) to hire attorneys to legally bind employees (and former employees) with non-disclosure agreements, non-disparagement clauses, separation agreements, severance agreements, and similar legal tools in order to SILENCE them.

MinistryWatch’s Steve Rabey said regarding “Nondisclosure agreements — and their cousin, non–disparagement agreements… Money being offered in non-disparagement agreements can be a messy and sometimes profoundly evil transaction. At times people are asked with an offer of money to hide acts that are wrong, evil, and even criminal; some are asked for money not to talk about a corrupted institution.

…no one with a theologically-informed ethic should be thinking of non–disparagement agreements when the issue is dirt on the floor in the church. Such a person, instead of advocating silence, should be advocating rebuke and repentance and a return to basics, including unflinching truth telling.”

Others have criticized NDAs on moral, ethical, and legal grounds, arguing that:
– They are virtually unenforceable;
– Their real purpose is to intimidate people into silence;
– In churches and ministries, they can foster working environments and cultures that prioritize privacy over transparency, concealment over accountability. (link)

I’ve worked in the business world where these tools are legitimately and appropriately used. The problem arises when these agreements are used by church organizations.

From the outset, I am NOT claiming ALL church organizations are doing this. Most local churches (of all sizes) operate in humility, faithfulness, and fidelity to Scripture. However, we’re seeing a trend (see resource links below this post).

I’m going to address this issue and bring it to light. Hopefully, this will lead to healing and restoration in the church. Biblically, church leaders are accountable to their congregations, employees, and God.

“For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God;” 1 Peter 4:17

“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” Luke 12:2-3

“For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” Mark 4:22-23

There is a growing awareness that church organizations are implementing coercive binding agreements and other legal devices. These agreements are directly tied to financial compensation and/or severance packages, the purpose of which is to legally bind a former employee to silence. Some church organizations see themselves more as business entities than the body of Christ.

– Are these agreements ethical or moral?
– Are these agreements biblical?
– Does this belong in the church?
– What would Jesus Christ say about church organizations using such agreements?

NDAs, Separation Agreements, and other similar such agreements have ZERO place in the church.

They are coercive and toxic. They put former employees in bondage to their former employers. They cause harm to those with the least institutional power (the employee). These agreements are used to bully former employees. Once implemented, former employees are forced to separate from their church family and/or are shunned by staff. These agreements do not edify the church nor do they glorify God.

Forcing an employee to sign an agreement tied to money in exchange for their silence is evil (period). After all, what does a church organization have to hide that requires the coercion of an employee to sign a document that forces them to be silent in exchange for money?

Beginning today, this is going to stop.
Beginning today, I encourage church organizations to rescind all such agreements immediately.

“If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear…”
If you are a pastor, church officer, church executive, elder, etc. and you have used non-disclosure agreements, non-disparagement clauses, or other coercive separation agreements tied to compensation in exchange for silence, you’ve been put on notice.

The Light is coming and church organizations have a choice…

Repent of the harm you have inflicted and rescind these agreements or “whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light.”

Defining Terms:

Non-disclosure Agreement:
“A contract in which one or more parties promise to keep information confidential, and not disclose it to any other party without proper authorization… Also referred to as an “NDA,” “confidentiality agreement,” or “proprietary information agreement,” such a contract outlines the nature of the confidential information, without disclosing it specifically… NDAs are most commonly used in businesses when the need to establish a confidential relationship with employees or contractors arises. Such information may include trade secrets, proprietary information, client lists, database information, or any other information considered to be vital to the business.” (source)

Non-disparagement clause (or agreement):
“A part of an agreement, such as an employment contract, separation agreement, or marital settlement agreement, which stipulates that the involved parties are prohibited from making any negative statements, remarks, or representations about each other. Such clauses are in prevalent use to prevent (ex) employees from adversely affecting the business of employers with disparaging public statements either during or after the employment period has ended.” (source)

“The other place you might encounter a non-disparagement clause is in a separation agreement—a document you may be asked to sign if you’re being fired, laid off, or are otherwise leaving on bad terms… “Companies will make signing the non-disparagement clause a condition of getting your severance money and/or benefits.” (source)

Separation Agreement:
“Most employee separation agreements require the employee to waive any potential legal claims. These could include employment law, compensation, and discrimination claims. For employers, this is often the primary purpose of the agreement.

In exchange for waiving the claims, an employee separation agreement can offer a severance package to the employee. Severance is not required, but it’s often a good incentive for the employee to sign the document. It can also help enhance a company’s reputation.” (source)

Typically, these arrangements are embedded in agreements issued by the church organization (usually when an employee leaves or is forced to resign or terminated).

Should churches use NDAs or other such agreements? The answer is ‘No’.

I have yet to discover a legitimate biblical reason. Someone will retort, “But, what about protecting the ‘reputation of the church’ and the ‘reputation of Christ’ against slander or negative perception?”

“These agreements ostensibly ensured that both the church and employee “act in a Christ-like manner, avoiding gossip and destructive slandering that causes division, rather than unity.” (link)

Libel, defamation, slander, etc. have to do with lying about someone or something that occurred. There are legal remedies for that type of behavior. 

Furthermore, telling the truth, even if it is negative, is not slander or gossip.

Church leader, if you have a problem with an employee within a church organization, the solution is found in the Word of God not some pagan ‘best practices’ business arrangement.

Here’s the deal, don’t be evil. Don’t mistreat people or attempt to cover up unethical behavior. There is no biblical reason for a church to implement agreements that bind people to silence using financial benefits and legal threats. The legal threats and vague legal reasoning contained in these agreements make the person feel trapped while all the power resides with the institutional leaders. This leads to self-separation by the former employee and silence where conflict, spiritual abuse or worse has occurred.

Someone will say, “Oh, you’re being divisive.”

No, I’m being honest. These unbiblical agreements are divisive by nature. So, who’s being divisive? The one implementing them or the one exposing them?

I know an instance where church leaders instructed employees not to speak to a former employee or discuss anything related to the church because doing so would amount to gossip and divisiveness. So, employees who were friends with a former employee essentially shunned their former teammate. Some feared losing their jobs if they spoke to the former employee. That’s cultish behavior.

Imagine being told this by a church leader one day and running into your friend (former employee) at a store the next? Would you fear reprimand, if leadership found out you spoke to a friend? At worse, would you fear losing your job? Think about it.

In conclusion, I am NOT claiming all church organizations are doing this. But the trend is growing. There are no biblical or ecclesiological reasons for church leaders to bind current or former employees to silence through non-disclosure agreements, non-disparagement clauses, separation agreements, or any such binding agreements. Nor should the tithes and offerings of the congregation be used for attorneys’ fees or unconstitutional severance / separation packages.

Guess what? It’s going to stop. People are getting wise to the game.

The light is coming and accountability with it. It will be much easier to repent personally and ask for forgiveness privately than the alternative.

Church Leader, you can circle the wagons and attempt to protect your institutional power… But know this. The truth bats last, and he is a slugger.

Solution: Repent of the harm you have inflicted and rescind these agreements or “whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light.”

If you are a church leader (staff or elder) and you have implemented these agreements to coerce or cover-up wrong-doing or silence people, it may be time to resign. You’re most likely unfit for duty as a shepherd of God’s beloved people. Your sin can be forgiven but you’re unfit to lead ministry.

Will there be a Part 2 to this post, we’ll see…

I recommend every pastor, elder, deacon and ministry leader meditate on Ezekiel 34:1-10 “Prophecy Against the Shepherds of Israel”

The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord God: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them. So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd, and they became food for all the wild beasts. My sheep were scattered; they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, with none to search or seek for them.


“Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: As I live, declares the Lord God, surely because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep, therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the sheep. No longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them.”

Resources and links:

Thou Shalt Not Disclose: How Churches and Ministries Use Legal Agreements to Silence Victims and Conceal Sin

NDAs are a tool for toxic church cultures

Silence of the sheep – Christian nonprofits and churches have adopted practices from the for-profit world of avoiding liability, sometimes leading to devastating outcomes

Should Churches Use NDAs? It Depends.

Should a Church Use NDAs?

When Christian Ministries Ask Their Ex-Employees Not to Talk
How a corporate world practice became mainstream for evangelical nonprofits and churches.

NDAs Kept These Christians Silent. Now They’re Speaking Out Against Them.

Sign or face the consequences

Should Christian Organizations Use NDAs?

What are Red Flags For Spiritual Abuse in Your Church? with Teasi Cannon

Spiritual Abuse and the Church: Why Should We Listen? with Teasi Cannon

What Is a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

What is an employee separation agreement?

Please share your insights by commenting below this post.



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Understanding Ukraine and Russia Conflict Through a Historical Lens

With the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, it is a good time for a history lesson. I commend to you a very insightful and well-guided discussion. You’ll glean valuable information and enjoy learning some of the history of the Ukraine – Russia situation in order to better understand it.

Recommended resource below – Podcast or video format “Ukraine and Russia: History and the the Theology of Nationalism”

Let me take a moment to set up what I’m commending to you, as your time is valuable. I will not pretend to fully understand the situation in Eastern Europe between Russia and Ukraine.

To my own detriment, I tend to see everything from my limited American historical lens. We Americans tend to believe that world history revolves around American history. American history is very important. However, American history is set within a much larger historical context of world history which is equally important.

Nations are important to God

As a thinking Christian, I must understand that there are theological undercurrents that shape events, cultures and nations as well. The situation in Ukraine did not arrive out of thin air. It is hundreds of years in the making. That said, we have an opportunity. We can recover a theology of nations. “Nations” (Gk. ἔθνος, ους, τό – ethnos) is mentioned throughout the Bible. It’s where we get the English word ‘ethnicity.’ The notion of nations distinguishes people of a common culture, common customs, and typically a geographic location (Samaria, Canaan, Rome, etc). So, nations must be important to God.

Cultural Movements in history and ideas that shape them

Furthermore, the events and cultural movements we are witnessing today have historical pathologies. Events are caused by preceding events which are caused by preceding events, and so on.

People have ideas that create and shape cultures – ideas shape histories. Sometimes those ideas are good, like the invention of the telephone. Sometimes those ideas are bad, like Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’.

We live in an unprecedented historical cultural moment of a connected world. As I’ve said in a previous post, our devices bring the horrible situation in Ukraine into the palms of our hands in realtime. As usual, there is no shortage of ideas being put forth by politicians, pundits, technocrats, celebrities, and others as possible ‘solutions’ to the conflict. But, are those ‘good’ ideas? Do the people pushing those solutions thoroughly understand the problems?

Benefits of wisdom in this historical moment

My good friend wisdom tells me to pause and try to understand the bigger historical situation in order to better understand the current moment. This action offers several benefits. First, I actually turn off media and turn on learning. Second, I’m seeking to understand a situation by diving into the history leading up to it. Third, I remember that these geopolitical events are usually way more complex than I imagined. Forth, I remember that over-simplistic, one-size-fits-all solutions sound good but typically cause more harm than good. Finally, I have a greater appreciation for the current moment when I understand the history leading up to it.

Recommended resource well worth your time

With the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, it is a good time for a history lesson. I commend to you a very insightful and well-guided discussion. You’ll glean valuable information and enjoy learning some of the history of the Ukraine – Russia situation in order to better understand it.

Below is a link to a podcast (or video if you prefer) that provides some historical insights into what is going on. Dr Glenn Sunshine is a history professor emeritus at Central Connecticut State University, a Research Fellow of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, an associate at Reflections Ministries, founder of Every Square Inch Ministries, a theologian, and a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Previously, he taught at Calvin College and was a visiting professor at the Universität der Bundeswehr-Hamburg (now Helmut Schmidt University) in Germany. He is also an adjunct professor at Ostroh University in Ukraine with family roots in the region. I trust Dr. Sunshine’s historical analysis and theological perspective.


Theology Pugcast: “Ukraine and Russia: History and the Theology of Nationalism”

“With the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, Glenn thought it a good time for a history lesson on Ukraine and Russia. As you might expect, he started over 1000 years ago, but noted especially more recent history and why the Ukrainians want to get out from under Russian domination. Along the way, he noted some genuine problems with Ukraine and their treatment of Russian minorities, part and parcel of the messy way borders work in Central and Eastern Europe. The guys finish with a discussion of the theological significance of nations, noting that they seem to survive in a purified form into eternity.”

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Fear, outrage, helplessness and eventually apathy colonize our imaginations and take up residence in our hearts. These experiences and emotions are not unique to modern humans. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not allow that to distract you, cause you to fear, or shape your reality. Focus on what you know to be true and what is right in front of you.

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you dare not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” (Matthew 24:6-7)

Every human being attempts to make sense of the world, human history, events and trajectory.

We moderns possess the blessing and curse of realtime global communication through powerful technologies. The chaos, injustice and suffering of the entire globe can be seen and heard through tiny screens in the palms of our hands. The impact of the images, scenes and helpless cries are felt in our hearts. For many, we can’t unsee horrible images seared into our minds.

Fear, outrage, helplessness and eventually apathy colonize our imaginations and take up residence in our hearts.

These experiences and emotions are not unique to modern humans. Human history is marked by tribulations and conflicts. However, what makes the current moment singularly unparalleled in history is the velocity and quantity of information that we can access at our fingertips.

Think about it. Today is February 24, 2022.

On this date in 1836, a cry for help was sent forth by the commander of a tiny garrison of less than 200 men defending a small Spanish mission against 5,000 enemy troops. The enemy general called for the surrender of the men occupying the mission or they would be “put to the sword.” The reply from Colonel William Travis to General Antonio de Santa Ana’s demand was cannon fire.

In one of the most famous letters ever penned in human history, Col. Travis wrote:

To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World-

Fellow Citizens & compatriots-

I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna – I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man – The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken – I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls – I shall never surrender or retreat…(He goes on to write) If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country –

Victory or Death.


William Barret Travis

186 years ago is a blink of an eye in human history. Communications required days, weeks and even months to reach their destinations. In 1836, most of the world was unaware of the now famous “Battle at the Alamo” in a place called “Texas.” Most of the world didn’t even know Texas existed, nor would they care if they did know.

Life expectancy in the 1800s was between 40-45 years. Let that sink in for a moment. Daily existence was extremely difficult – death was a daily occurrence. Today, life expectancy is around 73 years globally.

What does this have to do with “wars and rumors of wars”?

Whether we are aware of it or not, our powerful technologies deliver massive amounts of information from around the world to our handheld devices. My iPhone is millions of times more powerful than the computers used by NASA to guide Apollo 11 to the moon and back.

Our modern devices shape our reality and worldview. When an earthquake occurs on a tiny island in the South Pacific Ocean, I know within seconds. When one nation’s leader is threatening another, I know almost immediately. When a school shooting occurs in a city hundreds of miles away, I can see realtime coverage on my device! All of the pain, suffering, chaos, tragedy, evil and terror in the whole world is delivered immediately into my hands. Most of the time, these emotional scenes bypass logic and reason impacting our imaginations and emotions. The result is a constant state of malaise, helplessness, and fear.

How does one make sense of it all?

The Bible offers us the answers and a framework to help us.

First, we must understand that “In the beginning God created” all things (Genesis 1-2). God stated that His creation was “good.” Furthermore, when God created humans in “His own image,” He said humans were “very good.”

Second, we learn that humans chose to rebel against God in Genesis 3 and turn inwards in an attempt to become “like God.” This “fall” of humanity into sin brought all of creation into conflict with the Creator. Shame, guilt and hate soon entered God’s good creation. One chapter later, we see the first murder in human history (Genesis 4 – Cain and Able). Since then, the entire world has spiraled into chaos, injustice and suffering.

Third, we see God initiate a plan to set things right when He sends His only son, Jesus Christ to redeem the world through his death on a Roman cross and bodily resurrection from the dead. The name “Jesus” is “Yeshua” or “Joshua” in Hebrew. The name means “the Lord saves.” “Christ” is not Jesus’ last name as some people would think. “Christ” is a title. It means “Messiah” (Mashiach) or “anointed one of God.” But, what is Jesus Christ saving us from? He saves us from the eternal separation created from the fall (Genesis 3).

The Bible says that Jesus came to “seek and save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10). In God’s providence and wisdom, He had a plan to redeem that which humanity lost and that which humans do not possess the ability to reclaim for themselves. This is where the man or woman can have real hope for today by trusting that Jesus accomplished His mission. While we’ll still continue to experience the effects of sin and evil in this life, we know they are defeated. Wars and rumors of wars is the current state of things – but not the eternal state of things.

Wars and rumors of wars is the current state of things – but not the eternal state of things.

Forth, we learn that there will come a time when God will restore ALL things. He will set everything back in order throughout creation. The chaos, injustice, evil, pain, suffering and death will be swallowed up in a victorious unfolding of God’s restoration (Revelation 21). This is where we have real hope for the future.

So what does all this mean for me today?

When you scroll through the news feeds on your smartphone today, you will see the truth of a world gone wrong. You know deep in your heart that this is not the way it is supposed to be. This is the objective truth of Genesis 3 to Revelation 20 shining through our dim reality. Even if you don’t believe what I’ve just laid out above, take a moment and reflect… Is what the Bible says about reality in this world true?

Finally, when you scroll through your news feed and you feel your heart breaking, or anger, or hopelessness or fear, set your device down and close your eyes.

Consider the following thoughts:

What is the crisis or opportunity I can take responsibility for or take initiative to help RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME? Set aside the world’s massive problems and look around your immediate relationships. Our immediate lives abound with crisis and opportunities right in front of us. My advice is to begin right there. The world changes one life at a time.

Is there something good in your life or someone else’s that you can celebrate?

Is there something missing from someone’s life or perhaps in your community that you can contribute something good toward?

Is there something bad in your life or in the community that you can stop?

Is there something broken in your life or someone else’s life that you can help restore?

When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not allow that to distract you, cause you to fear, or shape your reality. Focus on what you know to be true and what is right in front of you.

Jesus gives us hope:

“Fear not, for I am with you.” (Isaiah 41:10)

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Read the full passages

Signs of the End of the Age (Matthew 24:3-14)

3 As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” 4 And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. 10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

God will make all things new (Revelation 21:3-5)

3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place[a] of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

5 And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Cancel Culture, CRT, and Joe Rogan – Why it matters

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

Saul Alinsky

Why do all of these attempts to cancel Joe Rogan matter?

Because if is happening to him, it could happen to you.

Do not be silent in the face of evil.

Background – My involvement

I began sounding the alarm in earnest on “Cancel Culture” and Critical Race Theory (CRT) during the early summer of 2020. The George Floyd incident was the bomb that set cities around the country aflame for months. Many thought this came out of nowhere. Others believed that centuries of racism and oppression had come to a head. Still others knew exactly what was going on. The fuse that set off the explosion of BLM and Antifa riots, beatings and chaos had been lit decades prior to the summer of 2020.

It was a cultural “sucker punch” that most did not possess the moral courage, nor cultural awareness of the times to understand much less respond appropriately to what was happening.

Mid-Summer of 2020

In June and July of 2020, I began to see books like Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility” and Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to Be An AntiRacist” circulating in the Christian community. I had heard their names and others but I had not read much of their stuff, other than a few quotes here and there. It all reminded me of some of the stuff I read in Anthropology and Sociology classes in college in the late 1990’s. I considered it all to be fringe pseudo-academic mumbo-jumbo that was regulated to life, death and burial in university classrooms – never to escape.

This book (White Fragility) is unapologetically rooted in Identity Politics.

Robin DiAngelo

Fall of 2020

Fast-forward to the fall of 2020. All this fringe pseudo-academic critical theory stuff was front and center. To my astonishment, these Neo-Marxist ideas had escaped what I believed their academic tombs and were resurrected and injected into society. People began to point to these bad ideas as the solution and deliverance from an invisible and yet unknown ills of systemic racism, white supremacy and oppression not realizing it is all Marxism clothed in racial terminology. Parents were seeing it in schools, and employees were seeing corporations attempting to “re-educate” them with “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)” struggle sessions (I mean “training”).

As growing numbers of Christians recommended DiAngelo’s book “White Fragility” to each other, I decided to order a copy and read it. The print edition was completely sold out (that’s how popular it was). So, I bought both digital and audio versions (and backordered the printed version). [You’re welcome Robin DiAngelo – I contributed to your bourgeois lifestyle]. After reading the book, I went to church leadership and said, “We have a problem.” Then, I was tasked with writing a summary of the book to help leadership understand this foreign doctrine being circulated among the flock.

What I thought would be a weeklong project turned into a much larger enterprise that spanned more than a month. Not only did I read DiAngelo’s book but I was dusting off old books from college, reading other books on the topic, source materials, and (peer-reviewed) academic papers spanning from – critical theory, gender theory, queer theory, intersectionality, Hegelian philosophy, and much more. I emerged from my “Alice in Wonderland” rabbit-hole experience with an extensive two part piece I titled, “A Critical Response and Worldview Analysis of the book “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo.” I handed this off to church leadership, checked the box and tried to go on with my life. But, not so fast!

Understanding the Cultural Moment

Simultaneously, friends and people from our church began approaching me asking questions. They were reading these woke books and seeing vitriolic posts by other Christians on social media attacking each other based on race, “privilege”, etc. Not to mention, all of the virtue signaling going on. They were trying to understand what in the hell was happening. Lifelong friendships were being fractured and destroyed by this stuff. So, I decided to published my two part series on “White Fragility”(here) in order to help people understand what they were seeing in the world around them. If you read it, you’ll see that I go far beyond the book’s title to pinpoint the underlying worldview and philosophy driving this new toxic cultish orthodoxy. Make no mistake CRT, Cancel Culture and Wokeism make up a CULT. Yes, I’ve studied cults as well.

I was stunned when my piece on “White Fragility” began to get shared and circulated widely. What I intended to be a resource to help people turned into a season of life that I occupy nearly two years later. Since the summer of 2020, I have presented on Critical Race Theory and related topics over 15 times to various groups in different formats (here are a few).

What does all this have to do with “Cancel Culture” and the unfolding situation with Joe Rogan?

It has everything to do with it because this is ALL related. We must understand an issue in order to respond appropriately to an issue.

[Disclaimer: I understand that Joe Rogan is a public figure. I do not support all his views on every topic nor do I agree with everything he says or does. I do believe that Joe Rogan has a right to speak his mind on the platforms that he’s on. Thinking Christians ought to pay attention.]

As I have pointed out in my presentations, Critical Race Theory is the present iteration of Marxism, and “Cancel Culture” is the enforcement of this ideology. Cancel Culture is a politically motivated collective attempt to harm, silence, or destroy a person’s reputation, livelihood, social standing, for “for violating a particular ideological standard” of the political left. 

Cancel Culture can be linked back to Herbert Marcuse‘s essay entitled “Repressive Tolerance” (1965). He basically states that in order to achieve a Marxist cultural revolution leading to a utopian dream, effective Marxists must tolerate and promote leftist/Marxist ideas while being intolerant, suppressing and silencing ideas from the political right. This intolerance, suppression and silencing of all things considered emanating from the political right is where we get the modern militant form of “Cancel Culture.” It’s just Repressive Tolerance theory put into practice (praxis). CRT and Cancel Culture are inextricably linked and rooted in Marxism. CRT is the worldview, Cancel Culture enforces it and prosecutes dissenters on it’s behalf.

Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left…‘Repressive Tolerance’ the practice of discriminating tolerance in an inverse direction, as a means of shifting the balance between Right and Left by restraining the liberty of the Right…”

Herbert Marcuse - Repressive Tolerance

Ideas have consequences and bad ideas have victims.

Cancel Culture is a really bad idea.

Many agree, we are living in Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance.” It is a modern reality in America and much of the West. Cancelling voices that dissent or question the new Marxian Critical Race Theory orthodoxy is spreading like invasive cancer across the institutions of the west. Yes, it is a religion.

Woke corporations, media companies, sports teams, politicians, the military, big tech, religious organizations, celebrities, musicians, influencers (don’t get me started), nonprofits, universities, and countless others are stumbling all over themselves like drunken frat boys looking to ‘hook-up’ with a girl after an all-night bender in order to show their allegiance to the new woke orthodoxy. And if anyone disagrees, or even questions the orthodoxy, they are dragged off to the “digital guillotine” to be be-headed (aka. “Cancelled”). It can be described as a modern version of the French Revolution. Once ‘cancelled’, the guilty party is digitally dead. And this is not limited to social media. Financial institutions, corporations, even law enforcement agencies join their Big Tech overlords to punish dissidents.


Enter Joe Rogan into the ring.

Joe Rogan is an enigma. He is a comedian, black belt in Brazilian Jujitsu, MMA enthusiast, and former reality TV host among many other things. Rogan is best known for his podcast (The Joe Rogan Experience) which is the most downloaded podcast on the planet (13 million and counting). He has 14.5 million followers on Instagram, 8.2 million Twitter followers and 9.1 million on GETTR (after Twitter censored one of his posts linked to a podcast interview with Dr. Robert Malone).

Rogan recently signed a reportedly $100 million deal with streaming service Spotify to host his massively popular podcast. Spotify has been his home for several months.

Rogan is no stranger to hot-button issues or controversial guests or even stranger topics. He interviews a wide range of guests and those conversations last up to 3 hours. His fans eat it up.

Something interesting occurred following two specific podcast interviews in the last 3 months. Out of nowhere, Twitter began censoring his posts. And there were calls from across the Big Tech, government and media landscape for the de-platforming, silencing, and cancelling of Joe Rogan. What did Joe Rogan do wrong? Why were the Woketopians calling for his head?

Joe Rogan dared to interview Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone. Both men are medical experts in their fields. Dr. McCullough is one of the most published physicians on the planet, he’s a cardiologist and expert / advocate for early treatment of COVID. Dr. Malone is the “original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies” and one of the top researchers in the space.

Whats wrong with interviewing two of the best medical experts on the planet?

Well, both doctors are following the science that is completely discrediting the new COVID medical political ideological cult orthodoxy. Drs. McCullough and Malone dared to question the safety and efficacy of COVID response and mRNA vaccines. Joe Rogan interviewed them both and asked them great questions. He gave them opportunity to share their expertise. Both interviews went viral. In fact, to date, the Dr. Malone podcast is the most downloaded podcast in the history of podcasts.

Then, what appeared to be a coordinated effort to attack, smear and cancel Rogan came out of nowhere. The Woketopians took a page right out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals – A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals.” (1971)

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Saul Alinsky (Rule #13 - Rules for Radicals)

Twitter banned Rogan for posting links to his podcast interviews and Youtube censored his videos. Ironically, washed-up bourgeois revolutionary hippie rockers from the 1960s like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell (and others) accused Rogan of spreading ‘misinformation’. So, they shifted from fighting back against ‘the man’ to aligning with authoritarians attempting to silence Rogan (chilling free speech in the process). Not known for their wisdom, Young and Mitchell (and others) pulled their music catalogs off Spotify in protest and retreated to their mansions to sip lattés. I guess, Neil Young wants to limit who he will allow to “Keep Rockin’ in the Free World“(like what I did there?)

Code Word – “Misinformation”

The accusation against Rogan was that he was spreading “misinformation” about COVID. In the new woke cult orthodoxy, “misinformation” is code for “information that does not align with political ideological orthodoxy.” The response is to coerce, smear, silence and cancel the individual who dares to get out of line. It’s almost like Herbert Marcuse spoke from his grave, “Cancel Him!!!” (in Darth Vader’s voice). There was a tremendous amount of pressure on Rogan and Spotify.

When one attack fails (or backfires), switch tactics!

When the “misinformation” tactic did not have the desired effect, the Woketopian legions turned to their tried-and-true method of silencing and cancelling – name calling. Prior to February 1, 2022, Joe Rogan was a podcaster loved and respected by people from all kinds of backgrounds, political persuasions, ages, religions, and ethnicities. Now, the cult claims Rogan is a racist!

The woke mob always resorts to calling people racists because woke arguments always fail. Name-calling has been effective since they were toddlers – immaturity is a hallmark of wokeness.

The timing was uncanny. As soon as the Marcuse Marxists learned that the “misinformation” weapon wouldn’t work against Rogan, they resorted to the racism grenade to destroy him. Out of nowhere, an out of context video collage from a decade ago showing Rogan using an unacceptable racial pejorative on his podcasts emerged and went viral. Again, amazing timing… as if this was planned. Kudos to the midwit who dug through thousands of hours of audio, compiled and edited the hit piece (I hope you were paid well to waste your life on such an asinine endeavor). The interesting thing is that Rogan wasn’t using the pejorative against a guest or anyone else. Many of his guests have pointed this out. He simply said the word (pejorative) instead of the more “politically correct” and acceptable description of the word.

No matter! The mob doesn’t care about anything but political power. As they see it, when attaining power is the ultimate goal, context and truth don’t matter. Joe Rogan was out of line and posed a threat to their ideology . The cult revolutionaries had their target (Rogan) and they were hell-bent on destroying him to teach the rest of us a lesson (including Christians).

Redefining and distorting definitions (definition inflation)

Important Note: The modern definition of “racist” is not the same as the definition we’ve come to understand over the last 200 years. A Racist is no longer someone who harbors ethnic hatred or ethnic prejudice based on skin color. The CRT cult has given us a new definition of racism. Basically, you are labeled a “racist” if you do not bow to the new cult orthodoxy and tow the Marxist party line. That’s why the woke mob can call ethnic minorities ‘racists’ today for not embracing the ideology. That charge would have made no sense 20 years ago.  The new definition is stupid, illogical and ethnically biased. In their warped view of reality, you are a good little Marxist or you are a racist!

A few days ago, Rogan shared his side of the story and apologized. Millions are coming to his defense. The media platform Rumble offered Rogan $100 million to move to their platform when it appeared that Spotify would cave under pressure. So far, Spotify hasn’t budged except for removing some past podcasts they deem “inappropriate.” This is just “soft -censoring” or Spotify’s attempt to appease the Woke piranhas.

A decade ago, no one had any problem with what Joe said. There were no protests or calls for cancelling him. Why? What changed?

Well, a lot has changed.

The culture has shifted and we’re living in Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance.”

On this new CRT-driven Marcuse Marxian road to utopia, there is no forgiveness, no mercy- only judgment for questioning the woke orthodoxy of identity politics of attaining power. You either “get with the program” (cult) or else! If you do not bow to the woke idols, you will be cancelled or worse. And they are calling THAT justice, equity, and liberation. It’s anti-freedom, anti-family, anti-American, anti-truth, anti-church, and anti-God.

The bait is the utopian dream of equity and justice for all (meaning socialism and communism for all). The hook is a totalitarian dystopian nightmare. If people like Joe Rogan get cancelled, it matters for the rest of us (including Christians).

Joe, no one expects you or anyone else to be perfect. Don’t fall for their stupid games. You can sincerely apologize until the cows come home, it will never appease them. It will never ever be enough. They smell blood in the water. They are not interested in your apologies, all they are interested in is power. Read Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance” and you’ll see why…. Or just ask James Lindsey or Voddie Baucham 😉

The poetry of Martin Niemöller is both haunting and a warning…

“First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.”
-Martin Niemöller

Why do all of these attempts to cancel Joe Rogan matter? Because if is happening to him, it could happen to you. Do not be silent in the face of evil.

The response to CRT and “Cancel Culture” is to tell the truth. Personally, I see through the manipulation and know their cult political orthodoxy better than they do. So, their stupid tactics won’t work on me. Now, (hopefully) their tactics won’t work on you either. You can accomplish this gently and respectfully but courageously.

“Know thy enemy.” Stand your post and don’t abandon the battlefield. Pray for and yes, love your enemies. Stand against dark ideologies that cripple the mind and enslave the heart.

Human Trafficking Awareness 2022

In 2016 I learned that children in my community were being bought and sold for sex, and women (and men) were being exploited. Since then, I have joined an ever-growing community of folks who are combatting the problem on every level possible.

I had the privilege of joining our wonderful law enforcement leaders, our mayor and great nonprofit leaders at our annual 5 Stones Anti-trafficking Taskforce press conference. The purpose of the press conference is to launch our Trafficking Starts Here (#TraffickingStartsHere) billboard and media campaign in North Texas.

The Lord gave us a vision in 2018 and that vision is a reality that is spreading across the country. Communities are forming taskforce groups and running their own campaigns.

What is missing?


Join us or launch something in your community.

Below are photos from the 5 Stones Taskforce press conference and links to posts I’ve written about my experiences domestically and in Iraq.

Photos from the Jan. 11, 2022 Press Conference