by Lance Cashion | Feb 20, 2018 | Adventures, Encouragement, God, Mission Trips, Personal Growth, Video
When the storms come, we often ask “Where is God?”
“Save by the Storm” is a short documentary about one man’s redemption in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, a Category 4 storm that devastated the Texas Coast in August 2017.
I serve as the Local Outreach Pastor at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth. When Hurricane Harvey hit the coast, I activated our Disaster Relief Ministry and we deployed within days of landfall. God connected us to a small church in Aransas Pass. Our philosophy of ministry was to serve and support local churches in the disaster zone. We landed at the doorstep of First Christian Church of Aransas Pass. Little did we know God was forging a bond between two church communities hundreds of miles apart. We got to take part in God’s work in Aransas Pass.
On September 9th 2017, we met Tony. This is his story …
Filmed and Directed by Lance Cashion
Creative Director – Lilly Cashion
Music: “You Hold All Things Together” courtesy of Christ Chapel Music
Special Thanks to:
Shawn and Sarah McCormick
Dr. Bill Runyon
Pastor David Dear
Charlotte Dear
Ron and Julie Watson
Tony White
Jason Ramsey
First Christian Church Aransas Pass
Volunteers, donors and prayer warriors from Christ Chapel Bible Church – Fort Worth, TX
Global Missions Ministry for allowing us to include this film in M28 Film Festival
Local Outreach Team – Wes Toland and Kyle Yarborough
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:13
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by Lance Cashion | Oct 30, 2017 | Encouragement, God, Mission Trips, Personal Growth, Video
CCBC Disaster Relief – Aransas Pass Texas – Part 1
Stories continue to unfold on the Texas Coast as our attention is pulled away from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
The media attention is fleeting but our hearts should be steadfast in our commitment to people.
There are communities along the coast that never received any media attention nor did they receive significant relief help from FEMA or the Red Cross.
Communities were left to fend for themselves and make do with what they had. Here is a story of a church in the small community of Aransas Pass, Texas.
I created this short video to tell the story of how God has worked in a forgotten place, using a tiny church to serve a community. God opened the doors and guided the paths of two churches to serve and love on people.
“God does not care about the size of a church or the abundance of resources, he cares about the size of hearts, how we use what we do have and our obedience.”
The intent of this video is threefold:
1. Share the unfolding story in Aransas Pass
2. Set a ‘heart anchor’ for the people of my church (Christ Chapel Bible Church) with the people of First Christian Aransas Pass.
3. Encourage my church to remain committed and involved with serving well after the media attention fades.
Meet pastor David Dear and his wife, Charlotte. This is their story.
Special Thanks to the Dears, IronCenturion and all the folks serving together on the ground in Aransas Pass allowing me to share their story. “You Hold All Things Together (feat. Converge Band)” courtesy of Christ Chapel Music.
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by Lance Cashion | Dec 17, 2013 | Culture, Current Affairs, Education, Family, News, Philosophy, Trending Topics, Uncategorized, Video, Wisdom |
(Note: I do not endorse globaldemoracy(dot)com… But, applaud their posting of this video)
I enjoy going to the grocery store with my wife and young children. I appreciate the opportunity of teaching them the value of a dollar.
I hate waiting in the check-out line. Not because I hate waiting. I hate the images on the magazines surrounding my family in the checkout isle. We live in what I call a ‘Photoshop Culture‘ where almost every image we see is airbrushed, manipulated and/or enhanced. When we’re waiting in the checkout line, my little daughter does not realize she is looking at a complete LIE. Neither does my young son.
It begs the question; What kind of impact do these images have on the minds of our children?
by Lance Cashion | Dec 10, 2013 | Encouragement, Family, God, News, Personal Growth, Relationships, Uncategorized, Video
Due to the arctic freeze here in Fort Worth, my family has been forced to stay in doors. It has been awesome. We’ve had some real intense moments of laughter. My wife’s eyes have trouble producing tears. However, the other night we laughed so hard that tears were rolling down her cheeks. I stumbled upon this interview with Dorothy Custer (link above). She is a funny lady and knows how to laugh, particularly at herself. There is a lesson on laughter. (more…)
by Lance Cashion | Mar 20, 2013 | Education, Personal Growth, Productivity, Uncategorized, Video
A few years ago, I would confuse busyness with productivity. My days were filled with activity. However, I failed to accomplish important tasks and I never had enough time for life, God or family. Over the past few years I have methodically refined my activities to focus on being productive. (more…)