Two weeks ago I attended the Global Leadership Summit and one of the co-hosts was comedian Michael Jr. He told a story about the birth of his daughter and how she was crying inconsolably in the delivery room until she heard her father’s voice. Michael Jr. shows a video of the actual event and brings forth a lesson impacting the entire summit audience. Watch and read on…
When we experience the embrace of the Savior holding us close to Himself, we hear his beating heart. We hear his quiet whisper. His still small voice says to us, “I am with you. I am right here. I love you.” That’s our Father’s voice!
All we know through revelation, theology and scripture strike a resounding chord in which our spirit affirms, “This is true!” One may argue, “this is far too mystical for modern Christianity!” I respond from Romans 8 and John 15 by stating, “The Holy Spirit testifies to what is true and testifies we are children of God.”
As this truth reverberates into the deepest inmost parts of our being, we recognize the chord struck has a nostalgic undertone of longing for something beyond ourselves. In it we sense a timeless quality just out of reach but quite familiar.
Then, from the depths of our hearts, ‘the eternal’ emerges like a wave crashing on a celestial shore. We realize again our Father “set eternity in our hearts.” Again, the Spirit testifies, “This is true!”
The ministry of the Holy Spirit astonishes my finite mind. The reality of which cannot be brushed aside with the wave of the unbelieving hand. In fact the wave of the hand affirms another Biblical truth; man is resistant to the truth and the love of God. This we can leave for another talk. Here is the real question…
Have you heard the father’s voice? Are you listening for it?