CCBC Disaster Relief – Aransas Pass Texas – Part 1

Stories continue to unfold on the Texas Coast as our attention is pulled away from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

The media attention is fleeting but our hearts should be steadfast in our commitment to people.

There are communities along the coast that never received any media attention nor did they receive significant relief help from FEMA or the Red Cross.

Communities were left to fend for themselves and make do with what they had. Here is a story of a church in the small community of Aransas Pass, Texas.

I created this short video to tell the story of how God has worked in a forgotten place, using a tiny church to serve a community.  God opened the doors and guided the paths of two churches to serve and love on people.

“God does not care about the size of a church or the abundance of resources, he cares about the size of hearts, how we use what we do have and our obedience.”

The intent of this video is threefold:
1. Share the unfolding story in Aransas Pass
2. Set a ‘heart anchor’ for the people of my church (Christ Chapel Bible Church) with the people of First Christian Aransas Pass.
3. Encourage my church to remain committed and involved with serving well after the media attention fades.

Meet pastor David Dear and his wife, Charlotte.  This is their story.

Special Thanks to the Dears, IronCenturion and all the folks serving together on the ground in Aransas Pass allowing me to share their story. “You Hold All Things Together (feat. Converge Band)” courtesy of Christ Chapel Music.

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