Assignment for October 3 – October 9, 2020

Assignment 4 “A Christian Manifesto”

I. Read 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, 3:10-17, John 15:1-11 (I am the True Vine) and meditate on Isaiah 59:12-16a and Revelation 3:2 (from week one).

II. Read the Chapter 10 in “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer.

III. Pray for God to reveal what He wants YOU to do and write down an action plan (set a goal) for the next 30 days.

IV. Answer the questions below. Use the comments section to share if you like.

1. In 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, Paul writes about the wisdom that comes from God (the Spirit) given to every believer to apprehend true truth and judgement. He says, “… we have the mind of Christ.” In 1 Corinthians 3:10-17, Paul talks about building and the quality of our personal ministry. In John 15:1-11, Jesus explains that as we abide, trust and rely on Him, we will bear much spiritual fruit… “Apart from Him we can do nothing.”

As we reflect on Isaiah 59:12-16a and Revelation 3:2 (repentance and a call to ‘wake up!’), we get a clearer picture of a Christian vision for engaging in this cultural moment. It all begins with prayer and repentance and evolves into holy spirit empowered action in obedience to God’s call to ‘wake up!’

Question: As you look at this cultural and historical moment, answer these four questions:
1. What is good, beautiful and true that you can celebrate / promote?
2. What is missing that you can create or contribute?
3. What is evil that you can help stop?
4. What is broken you can restore?

2. Chapter 10, in “A Christian Manifesto” Schaeffer names the chapter “By Teaching, by Life, by Action”. We must not “wrap Christianity in an American flag” because our citizenship is to God’s eternal Kingdom, not a temporal worldly kingdom that will burn away. On the same token, Schaeffer points out we have an “open window”. He goes on to state,

“With the window open we must try to roll back the results of the total worldview which considered material-energy, shaped by chance, as the final reality. We must realize that this view will with inevitable certainty always bring forth results which are not only relativistic, and not only wrong, but inhuman, not only for other people, but for our children and grandchildren, and our spiritual children… for with its false view of total reality it does not have a basis for the uniqueness and dignity of the individual person, but it is totally ignorant as to what, and who, Man is.” (pg. 132)

Question: Building on what you’ve learned in the last few weeks, can you write a short paragraph with your reflection or response (3-5 sentences)?

3. Now that we know something, we must do something in response. With God’s Word as your foundation and God’s indwelling Spirit as your source of strength, pray for a clear vision of what He wants YOU to do. Like the men of Issachar, we must understand the times in which we live. Like Nehemiah, we must take faithful action in the face of resistance. And like the wise builder, we build our personal ministry on the foundation of Christ.

Question: Set a goal to take action in the next 30 days.
Goals must be – specific, measurable, personal, time bound (deadline), and in writing. It can be as easy as reading and discussing “A Christian Manifesto” with your small group. Feel free to use, adapt or build upon the content I’ve created for our journey. Make sure to emphasize that everyone must take prayerful, bold action.

Assignments 1-4 “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer

1. Assignment 1
2. Assignment 2
3. Assignment 3
4. Assignment 4

Assignment for September 26-October 2, 2020

Assignment 3 “A Christian Manifesto”

I. Read Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17
II. Read the Chapters 7-9 in “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer.
III. Listen (or re-listen) to “Beyond Authority & Submission” (Douglas Wilson “The Plogcast” – 17 mins)
IV. Answer the questions below. Use the comments section to share if you like.

1. Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 are written by two different apostles (Paul and Peter) at two difference locations at two different times. However, they convey the same message regarding the Christian’s understanding of government authority.

In Chapter 7 of “A Christian Manifesto”, Schaeffer says, “God has ordained the state as a delegated authority; it is not autonomous. The state is to be an agent of justice, to restrain evil by punishing the wrongdoer, and to protect the good in society. When it does the reverse, it has no proper authority. It is then a usurped authority and as such it becomes lawless and is tyranny.”

Question: In light of Paul and Peter’s admonition regarding biblical government authority and Schaeffer’s description of government operating outside God’s mandates; in what ways have you observed local, state and federal government upholding biblical authority and/or usurping biblical authority?

2. Last week I suggested we listen to Doug Wilson’s podcast, “Beyond Authority & Submission”. We are beginning to see a migration of people in the United States from states and cities operating under one type of authority to cities and states operating under a different type of authority.

Question: Looking at these ‘migration’ events through a worldview lens, what is the fundamental difference between the two views of ‘total reality’ (worldview) in regard to government authority? (Feel free to think of localized and national examples).

3. In chapters 8 and 9, Schaeffer discuses the concepts of “Civil Disobedience” and “Use of Force”. Doug Wilson discusses these topics in a different way, yet in the same vein (both from a Christian worldview).

Question: From your understanding, point of view, and engaging your conscience, at what point is it appropriate to engage in civil disobedience and use of force? 


Assignments 1-4 “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer

1. Assignment 1
2. Assignment 2
3. Assignment 3
4. Assignment 4

Assignment for September 18 – 25, 2020

Assignment 2 “A Christian Manifesto”

I. Read Genesis 1-2 and Acts 17:26

II. Read the Chapter 4 through Chapter 6 of “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer.

III. Watch Anthony Bradley’s “Kuyper Revisited” video (9mins)

IV. Answer the questions below. Use the comments section to share if you like.

1. In Genesis 1-2, we have the creation narrative before the Fall of man. God institutes the domain of man to “fill and form” the created order.  In Acts 17:24-26, Paul proclaims the “unknown god” and the domain of man in history and place (this would include culture).

Question: In light of these passages, what is the role of the Christ-follower?  In other words, how should we live our lives in the domain of God’s creation in this moment?

2. Read Chapters 4-6 of “A Christian Manifesto”

Question: Can you summarize the main points of each chapter in one or two sentences?  Imagine a friend asks you what those chapters are about.

3. In Anthony Bradley’s talk “Kuyper Revisited” he discusses the Creation narrative and the idea of our place in the domain of culture and history.

Question: In light of our passages, chapters 4-6 of “A Christian Manifesto” and Bradey’s talk; How might you appreciate your place in this cultural moment and your role if a ‘window’ is indeed ‘open’ (Schaeffer chapter 6)?


Assignments 1-4 “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer

1. Assignment 1
2. Assignment 2
3. Assignment 3
4. Assignment 4

Assignment 1 – “A Christian Manifesto”

Assignment 1 “A Christian Manifesto”

I. Read Isaiah 59:12-16a and Revelation 3:2

II. Read the Preface through Chapter 3 of “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer. Notice how the chapter titles are coupled concepts (Truth and Morality, Faith and Morality, and Faith and Freedom).

III. Answer the questions below. Use the comments section to share if you like.

1. Schaeffer says, “When I say Christianity is true I mean it is true to total reality – the total of what is, beginning with the central reality, the objective existence of the personal-infinite God. Christianity is not just a series of truths but Truth – Truth about total reality.” p. 20

How have you observed “total reality” and “truth” distorted in our present time? (Give short examples)

2. Consider Isaiah 59:12-16a and Revelation 3:2, we see a turning away from God and truth, and a call to ‘wake up!’

How should we as Christians respond today?

3. In a sentence or two summarize Chapters 1-3 and provide a takeaway.

Assignments 1-4 “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer

1. Assignment 1
2. Assignment 2
3. Assignment 3
4. Assignment 4