We must reorient ourselves around the truth of total reality and the distinctly Christian principles and presuppositions that gave rise to the American social order.
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America’s worldview and cultural values have steadily shifted leftward since academics and institutions embraced progressive ideologies in the mid-twentieth century. Only recently have conservatives recognized the extent of this shift.
Currently, American culture reflects Herbert Marcuse’s concept of “Repressive Tolerance” through cancel culture and censorship of anything from the political right, including Christian values. We’re caught in the cycle of social change prescribed by Hegel’s dialectic within an oppressor versus oppressed paradigm (Marx).
Now that many Americans have woken up, we realize that we must break free from these destructive cycles. We realize nothing good comes from them.
Moving Forward
We cannot fight back or reverse current trends using the same tactics prescribed by Marcuse and Hegel. Instead, we must reorient ourselves around the truth of total reality and the distinctly Christian principles and presuppositions that gave rise to the American social order. We must return to the foundational Christian ideals that shaped early American culture and institutions.
The traditional political paradigm of left versus right is no longer tenable. Instead, we must focus on distinguishing good from evil and truth from falsehood – using biblical categories over secular ones.
Spiritual Solutions
America’s core challenge isn’t primarily political – it’s spiritual and theological. As such, political solutions are incapable of addressing our fundamental problems. In fact, they may exacerbate them. Fundamentally, we have spiritual problems in our nation. We must understand that spiritual problems demand spiritual solutions and respond accordingly.
Rebuilding the American social order depends on recovering our historical biblical heritage that gave rise to it in the first place.
Joran J. Ballor wrote, “In times of great upheaval and uncertainty, it is necessary to look to the past for resources to help us recognize and address our own contemporary challenges. While Scripture is foremost among these foundations, the thoughts and reflections of Christians throughout history also provide us with important guidance.”
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Now more than ever, worldview training is essential. It is not a Christian elective. I launched the Forge Room Foundation in order to equip Christians to understand our cultural moment and respond with a biblical worldview perspective.
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