The Sun Darkening at Noon – Perspective on Good Friday
In the darkness His hand awaits and His voice is heard, “Ye sinner, ye heavy ladened… come to me and I will give ye rest.”
“The sun darkening at noon is a fit accompaniment of the death of Jesus. Is it not?”
– C.H. Spurgeon 1896 (Three Hours of Darkness)
As Easter approaches and the Christian community celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I believe it is equally important to reflect on his crucifixion – His atoning sacrifice for our sin. Every Good Friday, I attempt to explore the agony of the Cross of Christ. It is a wonder beyond comprehension. Read of it in the Gospels and you’ll find your heart pierced. Below are thoughts stirred by Charles Spurgeon as he brings three hours of darkness into focus. I link to the sermon below. I encourage you to read it and reflect this week.
Veiled in darkness a “cosmic transaction” occurred. Mockers and murderers groped in the absence of light. Work and celebration were halted by a heavenly shadow. Concealed in a veil sin and death paid for in three holy hours no eye could see. A price was paid.
“Nothing provokes the devil like the Cross.” We can expect clouds of darkness to gather anywhere the Cross of Christ is made known to hide it from the eye’s of the sinner.
Christ is the light of the world. You will live and die in darkness unless you reach for Him.
In the darkness His hand awaits and His voice is heard, “Ye sinner, ye heavy ladened… come to me and I will give ye rest. I will make my home in you and bring light into the dark windows of your soul. Once home, I will never leave you. My spirit will never depart. I live, so shall you live.”
Finally, I’ll finish with a poem by William Cowper.
“Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.”
Read Charles Spurgeon’s ‘The Hours of Darkness’ sermon here…
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