There are two kinds of leaders, good leaders and bad leaders.
Leadership is simply influence. Influence can be used for good or ill.
Hitler was a leader who used his influence for selfish evil purposes.
Mother Teresa was a leader who used her influence for selfless good purposes.
Take a moment and consider leaders throughout history both good and bad. What’s the difference between a Hitler and a Mother Teresa?
It boils down to two things that undergird how a leader wields their influence.
Humility and Virtue
Good leadership is rooted in thinking of others more than yourself (Humility). At the same time, good leadership has a moral compass or standard as a foundation (Virtue). There are other dimensions and aspects of leadership but humility and virtue are at the core of good leadership.
Everyone is a leader within their context. Everyone has influence. However, not every leader embodies humility and virtue.
Be a good leader.
Read previous post: Rescue them from evil – Prayer in 3D
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