Deeper questions won’t be answered by shallow arguments.
Welcome to “Culture and the Christian Worldview”
– Do you feel equipped to share you Christian worldview?
– Do you understand how and why people think the way they do?
– Do you struggle having crucial conversations with people who seem so far away from the truth?
– Do you grieve for loved ones, friends, and a culture that appears to be spiraling out of control?
– How do we disciple people through this cultural moment while reaching the lost?
Purpose and Expectations:
“Culture and the Christian Worldview” is an 8 week deep-dive into what it means to live out a Christian worldview in your spheres of influence. You’ll learn how to respond to our cultural moment in light of God’s Story.
The purpose is to equip and train you to:
1. Think critically about tough issues.
2. Articulate a biblical worldview with confidence.
3. Reach others for Christ for His Glory.
You will gain valuable knowledge, practical skills, and the confidence to engage in conversations about the important issues we face in this cultural moment.
What to expect:
– Develop a Christian understanding of worldview.
– Discover how culture informs us.
– Explore current societal pressure points.
– How we can walk wisely in our cultural moment (a cultural response).
As we explore topics and cultural issues, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in table discussions and ask questions in a context of Christian community. We are created by God and called by God to this cultural moment!
Reflect on the following passages:
“God made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.”
(Acts 17:26)
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
(Ephesians 2:10)
In other words, God made you for this time and place in human history to be His ambassador to a broken world.
I am delighted you are taking this journey!
Lance Cashion
Local Outreach Director
*This course will NOT be streamed or recorded – in-person only*
God made you for this time and place…
Acts 17:26, Ephesians 2:10
Sessions 1-2: Making Sense of Worldviews
Worldviews are the foundation of the beliefs, values, and behaviors of every person. The outworking of individual worldviews form the cultures of the world. Identifying and understanding various worldviews is essential for making sense of the world.*
– Introduction: Understanding this cultural moment in light of God’s Story (Creation, Fall, Redemption & Restoration)
– What is a Christian (Biblical) Worldview? (Origin, Identity, Meaning, Morality, Destiny)
– What are the dominant worldviews we see today in America?
Sessions 3-4: Understanding Culture
We are all children of our culture, yet we are usually unaware of how much our culture affects us. Having the insight to recognize the influence of culture and the many subcultures around us provides the vision to see areas where we can make a difference.*
– What is Culture? (Defining terms is key to understanding complex issues)
– What does the Bible say about culture and our place in it?
– Understanding the times is a precondition to responding appropriately to the times.
Sessions 5-6: Flashpoints in Current Culture from a Worldview Perspective
Applying the understanding of worldview and culture, the current cultural “flashpoints” can be examined and interpreted. Current issues include: sexual identity, gay marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life, issues of race (race-ethnicity), etc. Providing a Christian worldview perspective on contemporary society gives an all-embracing overview with solutions for cultural renewal.*
– How did we get here (this cultural moment)?
– Ideas have consequences – Bad ideas have victims (how ideas shape and impact reality)
– Why Grounding language and reality in the biblical truth is important? (the Bible has the final say)
Sessions 7-8: Forming a Cultural Response
Training will implement their plans through their work, ministry, church, or within their local community.*
– Using the biblical Lens (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration) and Worldview questions.
– The Image of God Restored – Recovering identity (Genesis 1-2)
– Creation, the Great Commission and full-orbed Kingdom vision (Ephesians 2:10).
– Calling – How then shall we live in the time and place God has called you. (Acts 17:26)
Home Work – Daily reading of one proverb per day, followed by Ecclesiastes. Live webinars and articles
*Content adapted from Colson Fellows program curriculum topics (2021-2022)