How to think vs. What to think


Yoda is right!  Sometimes we must unlearn what we have learned.

  • After four years of prep-school, I had been taught ‘how’ to think.
  • After four years of college, I had been taught ‘what’ to think.
  • In prep-school, I was taught how to engage reality and seek truth.
  • In college, I was taught how to reject reality and redefine truth.

After I left college, I had a problem. What I had learned in college did not correspond with reality and the world as I experienced it. In my mid-20s, I had to unlearn what I had learned in college. I had to rediscover what I had learned in prep-school. I had to go back and learn ‘how’ to think again.

I had three teachers who had huge impacts on my life. All of them took the long road of teaching. This is the road of teaching a student ‘how’ to think. One taught me how to process historical facts and piece together the puzzle of historical events as they really were. Another taught me how to read between the lines to capture the author’s intent. The last taught me how to bring truth, ethics and history to bear in the human process of dying.

All stretched my mind instead of changing my mind. If my mind was changed, it was because I was forced to wrestle with the truth, reality and fight my personal preferences. They basically said;

“Here are the facts, explore and wrestle with them. I’m not here to tell you what to think. I’m here to teach you how to think!”

Currently, most educators teach students ‘what’ to think. This is a very passive process of transferring information where the student is rewarded for regurgitating the information back to the teacher. There is nothing wrong with memorizing facts such as historical events, math tables, formulas, definitions, etc. This is a necessary discipline and foundational.

However, there has been a dramatic shift in teaching methods in the last 60 years.

Today, when we peek into the classroom, this is what we see:

  • Facts and truth are now open for interpretation by the individual.
  • Theories and opinions (preferences) are not open for interpretation by the individual.

Facts vs. Personal Preference
Therefore, we have extremely well-educated children who reject reality and truth based on personal preference. Its like saying, ‘I don’t like the fact that I was born in Fort Worth. So, I’ll reject that fact.’ I’d prefer that there was no crime in my neighborhood. That does not change the reality that there is crime in my neighborhood and locking my doors is a good idea. Preferences don’t change reality.  Whether or not you ‘believe’ something is true does not change reality.

So, when a young adult emerges from a university environment where they have been taught what to think, they must contend with a reality that does not correspond with what they were taught. Many reject truth and reality, embracing an idealized unreality that has been constructed in their minds by teachers telling them ‘what’ to think. They end up living in a false reality that does not correspond with the world as it really is.

It’s a problem, the out-workings of which can be observed in almost every aspect of our lives. At the center of all of the confusion and turmoil in politics, society and culture are highly educated people who have never been taught ‘how’ to think.

“Remember, reality gets to speak last and when it does, it has the final word.”

Perhaps it is time to unlearn what we have learned and train ourselves ‘how’ to think.

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Tantrumism in America

Tan-trum-ism: a government or political system based on the uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration espoused by 2-7 year old overindulged, entitled children (see brats; spoiled, jackanapes).  Remember, you heard it here first!

Tantrumism -

Power is held by the individual responsible for bringing the ball to the playground.

Rules & Laws are made up ‘on the fly’. In the event that the advantage or score turns against the individual who brought the ball to the playground, he/she simply states, “I’m taking MY ball and going home!”  Then proceeds to storm away to pout.

Tantrumism is exhibited by overindulged immature adults in government who find themselves not getting their way.

Case Study 1 – Government Shutdown 2013:
Putting up barricades and posting guards to “close” open air World War II Memorial consumes more resources than “keeping it open” because SOMEBODY didn’t get their way.

Tantrumism has taken over politics in America. We’re seeing a shift among high-level politicians who have surrendered the ‘low road’ of becoming Statesmen of the highest order in service of the people. They are choosing the ‘high road’ of childish behavior to achieve their goals.

Like the brat who takes his ball and goes home because he is losing or is not getting his way, we are left with an incomplete game and progress is, well nonexistent.

Stay classy Washington DC.

When your worldview and philosophical framework are flawed

This country is a mess and people with degrees from the finest Ivy League universities got us here.

  • How could people who are so intelligent be completely incompetent and duplicitous?
  • How could a nation with so many vast resources manage to squander its way into massive debt and crisis?

It boils down to the worldview and philosophical framework of the individual. Like a computer with a corrupted operating system, a flawed worldview and philosophical framework will cause systemic problems, errors and failures in how an individual thinks, behaves and engages reality. Therefore, we observe people in positions of power with degrees from places like Harvard and Yale making completely illogical, overtly selfish and stupid decisions. Look around and see the unintended consequences.

When your worldview and philosophical framework are flawed, all the education or money in the world is not going to fulfill you or save you. Your operating system is corrupted.

People want to feel secure, loved and relevant. No amount of education or money will accomplish security or significance.

I’ve seen many attempt to fulfill their needs and create their identity through materialism. They end up feeling empty because their pursuit of ‘stuff’ has been hitched to the shooting star of ‘happiness’. They become slaves to pleasure by pursuing the next material high, the next car, the next spouse, the next vacation, the next house, etc. It is an endless cycle of embracing the next new thing.

Eventually, the poor soul ends up choking himself by his own embrace because every new thing he embraces to achieve happiness eventually loses it’s newness, causing the cycle to start over. Sometimes we label these people as ‘greedy’. However, if we’re being honest, we have to admit that we’re all greedy to some extent. Instead of ‘greedy’, I see them in a self-induced bondage to materialism.

It’s easy to be greedy, observe an infant. The challenge is becoming sacrificially generous and it goes against human nature.

I’ve also seen many people attempt to fill their heads with knowledge and create their identity through academia. Since their operating system is corrupted, they can’t properly engage reality or they live in ideological un-reality that does not correspond to reality. That is like trying to fight the law of gravity. Someone once said, “You can’t break the law of gravity. You can only break yourself and prove the law of gravity.” No amount of knowledge is going to make untruth, true. But, you’d be surprised by the amount of influential people believe just that.

Humans are Relational:
Neither material nor knowledge make good companions. Meaning, you can’t have have a relationship with them. Humans have a need for relationship and transcendent relevance (significance). Therefore, we must engage in how we relate to the transcendent and other humans.

Reality and Relationship:
The answers to our origin, meaning, morality and destiny make up your worldview. If what someone believes does not correspond to reality in any those four categories, then their worldview is flawed.

Your worldview / philosophy are the core beliefs that drive your thinking and behavior. If your philosophy is flawed, your understanding of your relationship to reality and the world around you is going to be problematic.

Obviously, we’ve just scratched the surface here. We must be vigilant in testing what we think, what we believe and what we experience against reality.

No Surprises:
Does what you see and experience in reality correspond with what you believe to be true about the world? Then, it should come to you as no surprise that this country is a mess and the reason ‘why’ it is a mess rests on the flawed worldview and philosophy of those in power.

Until we put our own worldview and philosophy on trial and test it for truth, we’ll continue to live in the mess.

Political Correctness: Inside the Matrix of Your Politicized Reality

Political Correctness: Inside the Matrix of Your Politicized Reality

Originally posted: May, 29, 2013

Have you ever seen the film ‘The Matrix’?

Have you ever felt like Neo (Keanu Reeves)? You are aware that there is a problem with reality but you can’t quite put a finger on it. You sense a ‘glitch’ in the matrix.

“The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.” What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” – The Matrix

For the last 60 years in America, our reality has become increasing politicized. Our thinking has become ‘politically correct‘. In addition, everything we say or do contains a political tone. This matrix extends into our families, relationships and shapes our reality. We have been conditioned to exist in this politicized reality without realizing it.  Western culture has been invaded by a virus called ‘Political Correctness’.

Inside Job

Our schools, arts and media have implanted a distorted version of reality into the minds two generations of Americans. The hold on the psyche is so strong that when an individual makes a conscious effort to question this reality, he or she is slammed down into conformity of the politically correct narrative.

Unfortunately, folks are ignorant to the fact that they exist in this warped world. However, it’s time to pinch yourself and understand that almost everything you think, say or do is politicized. This distorted reality is not based in truth. Of course ‘truth’ itself is not of any value within the politically correct matrix. The politicized reality is devoid of meaning. Our minds are divided in a dichotomy of reason and non-reason.

We go along quietly in fear of ‘offending’ someone with truth.

“The walls of our cultural matrix are heavily defended by sentinels who are armed with language and legal weapons of coercion (aka name-calling & lawsuites).”

When we speak the truth, we open ourselves up to a barrage of loaded names ending in “-ist” and further intrusion into our lives designed to suppress the truth, crush our spirits and re-conform our minds and behavior to the narrative. Entire institutions are so invested in the politically correct matrix that they consciously choose to reject the truth and believe a lie in order to defend their investment.

“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.” -The Matrix

Is this the reality we want for ourselves and our children?

You have a choice…
Just like the movie, ‘The Matrix’, the politically correct matrix of reality is a manufactured illusion.  It is a form of psychological and mental bondage and suppression of free thought. We must realize that. You can choose to turn back in denial or ‘see how deep the rabbit-hole goes’. The choice is yours…

Did You Know?
Neo’s room number in The Matrix is 101. Room 101 in George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ is where people are sent to be tortured and brainwashed into believing things that aren’t true.

Do we need a Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct at the Federal level?

Do we need a Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct at the Federal level?

Below is a draft letter I penned in June of 2013. I was sorting through some old files and uncovered it. I never got around to submitting it.  However, I had to ask the question; ‘Is this 5 year old document still relevant today?” The answer is ‘yes’ and probably more so than in 2013. So, I decided to repost it for your consideration.

Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct for Elected Representatives (United States of America)

Submitted by: Lance Cashion (Fort Worth, Texas)
June 6, 2013


As a citizen of these United States, I kindly request the Representatives from my state and district submit, for the Congressional Record (Extensions of Remarks Section), a proposal for the establishment of a Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct for Elected Representatives (UFSCER) serving in the Federal Government.

It is my belief that my countrymen will support this measure. The American citizenry demand a uniform standard of conduct to which the actions of our elected representatives can be measured. We the People expect our elected representatives to uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in regard to executing their sworn duties as representatives in addition to upholding and protecting the U.S. Constitution. Note: Elected representatives in the Legislative and Executive branches would be subject to UFSCER.

As of this writing, the trust between the electorate and the elected has eroded to the point that the relationship has become adversarial. The citizenry lack the assurance/confidence that our elected representatives are acting in our best interest. Furthermore, evidence strongly suggests that conflicts of interest hinder the ability of our elected officials to properly represent the interests of the citizenry. As a concerned citizen, it is my responsibility to bring this issue to Congress and the American people.

Background (2013):

I am President and CEO of Cashion Financial, LLC. I serve as a Financial Advisor and licensed Life & Health Insurance Broker in the great State of Texas. I am a Series 65 licensed Investment Advisor Representative. In my chosen profession, I must adhere to the fiduciary standards contained in the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940. It is my choice to adhere to a standard of conduct where I am bound by law to serve/act in the best interests of my clients. In addition, I must disclose and attempt to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest. I constantly undergo the rigors of examination, compliance, licensing, continuing education and regulation in my field. I choose to subject myself to this in order to serve in my clients’ best interest, many of whom are unable to completely understand the full spectrum of the financial world.

In the totality of the US economy, I manage very little. To my clients, the assets placed under my stewardship represent everything they have to financially support themselves. As elected representatives, you manage trillions of taxpayer dollars. It seems logical and reasonable to me that a fiduciary standard of conduct be created, upheld and enforced.

Definitions: Fiduciary & Fiduciary Duty

A Fiduciary is a legal or ethical relationship of trust between two or more parties. In a fiduciary relationship, one person, in a position of vulnerability, justifiably vests confidence, good faith, reliance and trust in another whose aid, advice or protection is sought in some matter. In such a relation good conscience requires the fiduciary to act at all times for the sole benefit and interest of the one who trusts.

Fiduciary – 1) n. from the Latin fiducia, meaning “trust,” a person (or a business like a bank or stock brokerage) who has the power and obligation to act for another (often called the beneficiary) under circumstances which require total trust, good faith and honesty. A fiduciary is held to a standard of conduct and trust above that of a stranger or of a casual business person. He/she/it must avoid “self-dealing” or “conflicts of interests” in which the potential benefit to the fiduciary is in conflict with what is best for the person who trusts him/her/it.

A Fiduciary Duty is a legal duty to act solely in another party’s interests. Parties owing this duty are called fiduciaries. The individuals to whom they owe a duty are called principals. Fiduciaries may not profit from their relationship with their principals unless they have the principals’ express informed consent. They also have a duty to avoid any conflicts of interest between themselves and their principals or between their principals and the fiduciaries’ other clients. A fiduciary duty is the strictest duty of care recognized by the US legal system.

Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct for Elected Representatives (UFSCER) is Reasonable, Logical and Necessary:

I manage assets and perform duties on behalf of my clients. Federal law requires me to adhere to a fiduciary standard of conduct laid out in the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) operates under a presidentially-appointed Commissioner and is funded by taxpayer dollars (including a SEC Division of Enforcement). Therefore, a portion of my federal income tax pays the SEC to regulate and enforce the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 under which I operate my business.

As elected representatives you also manage assets (budgets, tax revenues, etc) and perform duties for your ‘clients’ (legal citizens of the United States). While most elected representatives take an oath of office (Constitution, Article 6 – Debts, Supremacy, Oath – Oath or Affirmation), there exists no Federal Law establishing uniform standard of conduct where elected representatives are required to act in the best interests of the citizenry and disclose and attempt to eliminate all possible conflicts of interest.

It is reasonable, logical and necessary to establish UFSCER on a Federal level because elected representatives are essentially acting in a fiduciary role. Representatives by definition serve/act on the behalf of others. In addition, the responsibility of managing taxpayer funds/budgets is cause enough for UFSCER.


This letter represents a preliminary call to further discourse in regard to establishing Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct for Elected Representatives (UFSCER). My goal is to raise awareness of need of UFSCER. I do not know what the final framework will look like or how it will be enforced, I have ideas. However, that does alleviate the need. There must be a uniform standard to which we can measure in whose best interest our elected representatives are working.

The American people demand and deserve elected representatives who serve our best interests to the highest moral and ethical standards while doing everything in their power to disclose and eliminate all potential conflicts of interest. This is a model of stewardship that must be passed down to our children and grandchildren, lest we become a lesser generation of Americans than our predecessors. I encourage you to join me in leaving a legacy of character, virtue and stewardship to our children.

In the final analysis, one who is unwilling to accept accountability is unfit to represent the interests of others.

Kind Regards,

Lance A. Cashion
Fort Worth, Texas, USA

This draft version cannot be disseminated, cited or quoted. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.