How you ‘feel’ about your situation does not change reality

If it is raining outside, how you ‘feel’ about the rain won’t stop it from raining. The reality of the rain cannot be changed by how you feel about it. If you refused to believe that it is raining outside, all you need to do is walk outside and you’ll experience reality in the form of water falling from the sky.
Reality and FeelingsHow you ‘feel’ about your situation does not change the reality of it. When a person denies reality, they deny truth. When they deny truth, failure will be the outcome. Denying reality is the same as intentionally believing a lie. When one makes choices based on lies, reality will be the wall on which one breaks himself.

In the final analysis, failure is the only outcome when decisions are rooted in lies. Emotions don’t always correspond with reality. Emotions are important but not as a primary driver in decision making.

Trust in man or the Almighty ‘I AM’?

God is completely unlike anything we know or can comprehend. Man is very knowable. It seems completely rational that we can trust that which we know over that which we can’t completely comprehend. But, is that really the case?

what is God like?

Can we trust in that which we can’t fully comprehend?

Due to a busy life with work and family, writing is a rare pleasure these days. I don’t post on my blog as often as I like but I do continue to journal. I decided to share the outflow of some of the experience here.

As I wonder down the path of walking with God, each day brings a new experience. I returned to a book that I’ve meaning to finish for several months, ‘The Knowledge of the Holy’ by A.W. Tozer. This classic dives into the nature of God.

The question many ask is ‘What is God like?’

We cannot fully comprehend the infinite because we are finite. Our limited capacity to understand that which is holy (separate and unlike anything we know) brings us to the edge of our understanding. It is at the edge of our understanding that we peer into an expansive and immeasurable light that is pure and endless. Welcome to the brink of the eternal.

Each step into that which is eternal brings us no closer to the end than the thousand steps before. God alone claims to to be the ‘Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending’ claiming for himself the title of the eternal, almighty God.

When we consider time (the measure of change) and space (distance) in light of eternity, we understand that our finite minds are incapable of understanding or fully grasping what we simply refer to as ‘eternity’.

Where can we establish an anchor on which we can place our trust with finite understanding?

One thing that fully corresponds to our experience of reality is the fact that Jesus Christ brings to light an accurate diagnosis on the malady of the human race, sin and death. ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?‘ Death is the result of the disease of sin. We observe the world around us and the evidence proves this to corresponds to reality.

Malcolm Muggeridge said, “The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.”

If every man’s heart is deceitful and sick, can man be truly trusted? Or can we trust in one who accurately diagnosed the illness and offered a cure? Among many claims that Christ made, the most staggering was his claim to be God in the flesh. He said, “I AM the alpha and omega.” This sets Jesus Christ apart and he stands alone.

The incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection inject coherence and meaning to the human experience. ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.‘ Before Christ suffered, died and rose from the grave, he foretold his experience. Thousands of years before the incarnation, these events were predicted. Through the risen Christ, man can shyly glimpse at the radiant reflection of that which is holy.

From our expulsion from the garden, through the desert, to the cross, to the empty tomb – the fallen can lay hold of that which the Savior has laid hold of for us.

Shall we trust in man or the Almighty ‘I AM’?

Give your love, not your ‘Like’ – Anti-social MEdia

Give your love, not your ‘Like’ – Anti-social MEdia

I realize that in order to read this post, you must be on a computer or smartphone. I hope that when you have finished reading it, you will put away the device and look up. Is there anyone in the room with you? What are they doing right now?

Maybe you are by yourself right now. What is your best friend doing right now? How about your mom or dad?

Watch this video (it’s 5 minutes long and won’t be a waste of you time):

I don’t usually spend long hours per day on Facebook but, I do find myself mindlessly scrolling the News Feed several times a day. Particularly at night before going to bed. How do I so easily drift into this state of feeding on the news feed? Then, the question hit me;

Is ‘feeding on Facebook’ beneficial? (more…)

Finishing the Race: Pressing On

Finishing the Race: Pressing On

I wish I could have been in Boston on Monday. 36,000 people participated in the Boston Marathon. I got a sense that this was going to be a special race like no other.  I would have loved to be there.  But, like many of you, I caught glimpses on Social Media.  There are so many touching and amazing stories emerging from event. Whether its the stories of amputees returning to race in Boston or folks running in memory of their fallen loved ones or participants carrying exhausted strangers toward the finish; we learn something about who we are. It is an encouragement to see others finishing the race.

Having personally participated in several very mentally and physically grueling endurance races, I can only imagine what it felt like to cross that line. It must have been so bitter-sweet and joy-filled words can’t describe it.

We have a choice:
When an event or loss devastates our lives, we are left with a choice. Whether it is the loss of a spouse or job, health issues, or broken dreams… We have a choice. We can linger in the bondage of that dark time or we can press on and finish the race.

Redeeming the experience
The tough and dark times are rich with value that can be redeemed. Maybe not immediately, but at some point in the future. When the participants crossed the finish line on Monday in Boston, they redeemed something of transcendent value that cannot be measured. The word ‘priceless’ seems like a cheap description of it. As onlookers, we sense it and feel it as we see and hear the stories pouring out from the race.

Pressing on: Finishing the Race
We all experience trials in life. Most we cannot escape. We must endure it. Personally, I believe that pain and suffering have a purpose and have a much higher value than pleasure. If I can encourage you to do one thing. I encourage you to press on and finish the race. There will come a time when you will be able to redeem it and bring forth more good than you ever expected. Plant those roots good and deep. When the heat and trials come, you will endure. And when the quenching rains come you will burst forth with the good fruit of life that has transcendent value. There will be folks cheering you on as you finish your race. It is yours to run. Who knows, maybe you’ll have the privilege of carrying someone else toward the finish line with you.

Encouragement from the Bible:
“Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isa 40:28-31)

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Gal 6:9)

Press on….

The Ultimate Narcotic: TV

The Ultimate Narcotic: TV

Are you looking to get high?

Do you need an escape from the pressures of life or a quick fix? Would you like to experience a prolonged pleasurable passive state of being? How would you like the perfect combination of stimulation and sedation?

There is no need to put a needle in your arm or smoke, snort or drink. There is no need to break the law either. I’ve found the ultimate narcotic! It is cheap, effective and the supply is only limited by the amount of time you have to enjoy it.

Pleasurable effects of this drug:
1. Stimulating and sedative (simultaneously)
2. Reduces pain and tension
3. Provides a sense of control
4. Enhances a sense of relaxation and euphoria
5. Long lasting (the drug after-effects last for several hours)
6. Stress-free, quiet absorption

That sounds pretty good, right? However, I need to make you aware of the negative side-effects of this drug.

Negative side-effects of this drug:
1. Lower cognitive skills & IQ
2. Decreased attention span (possible ADD/ADHD connection)
3. Lower academic scores & lagging reading ability
4. Depression and Anxiety
5. Impeded imagination
6. Retardation social skills
7. Increased aggression & violent behavior (double of non-users).
8. Obesity & Sleep disturbances

Narcotic Effect:

I recently watched an interview with a Hollywood screenwriter who described the main objective of video media is to provide a ‘narcotic effect’ for the viewer. The point of which is to lull the viewer into a state of sedation and stimulation.

“(In 1993) Psychologists and epidemiologists at the University of Tennessee and Memphis State University monitored metabolic rates in eight- to twelve-year-old children under two conditions: lying down in a dark room, and sitting up watching television. In every case, the child’s metabolic rate while sitting and watching television was far lower than his metabolic rate while lying down in the dark. Watching television is worse than doing nothing.”(1).

There are literally thousands of studies conducted over the last 60 years that prove without a doubt that both television (video) content and the medium itself are extremely damaging and addictive. Most positive benefits of content are cancelled out by the medium of TV (video) itself. It is an addictive drug and has the same effects as chemical drugs.

“Television, while chemically non-invasive, nevertheless is every bit as addicting and physiologically damaging as any other drug.” (Rivers)

Maybe its time to have a real discussion around the dinner table in America about this problem. If the average American watches 5-6 hours of TV per day, what life experience he or she trading for that 5-6 hours? This is a cultural and relational issue we must tackle.

“In 1993, the most violent prime-time shows exhibited as many as 60 acts of violence per hour.(23) That year the average child living in the United States watched 10,000 murders, assaults, and other violent acts on television,(24) and by 1997 that number had climbed to 12,000(25) and was still rising.”(2)

Based on mountains of research, there is no question that watching TV (video) is an addictive and dangerous drug. The question is, what are WE going to do about it?

See footnotes and resources here… Do your own homework on this.  You will be shocked and convicted.  To be continued….